C++ meetup for New York City

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Jul 25th ft., Andreas Fertig
Jun 13th ft., Daveed Vandevoorde
May 16th ft., Robert Leahy


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All events

Event photos

Below are some pictures from a few of our events.

Inbal Levi shares her vision for "abstraction layers" in C++
(May 2023 @ LSEG)

David Sankel discusses the history of compiler optimization
(Nov 2022 @ Adobe)

Some attendees socializing after the featured talk
(Nov 2022 @ Adobe)

Dan Katz explains NYC++'s raison d'ĂȘtre
(Jan 2023 @ Adobe)

Titus Winters opines on API design
(Jan 2023 @ Adobe)

Dan Katz introduces the invited speaker, Amir Kirsh
(Feb 2023 @ NYU)

Amir Kirsh recounts experiences with Stack Overflow and ChatGPT
(Feb 2023 @ NYU)

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